8 Ways to Make Spring Cleaning Your Student Rental Easy-Breezy

It seems like everything but classes slows down in the winter. Why go to the bars when it’s 20 and windy out? And those daily bike trail runs in cloudy sleet? No thanks. And besides the winter weight most of us put on due to never being able to eat enough to truly feel warm, we tend to add some bulk to our homes, too. It is what it is – if it’s always dark and cold, how are you supposed to get motivated to clean out that closet or put away those clothes that have sat there since you visited home three months ago? 

Well, now it’s starting to get lighter out, and warmer. Occasionally we even get to see the sun! And with the archaism of Daylight Savings finally being over, no weird circadian crap to deal with anymore, either. So just like it might be time to get back to those outdoor runs and Friday nights out uptown, it also might be time to unpack all the clutter that comes along with winter cabin fever.

Keeping things in your Court Street apartment clean and tidy is great for your mental health, and a clean space is also a physically healthier space. Not to mention that the better condition you leave your student rental in when end-of-lease time comes in a few months, the more of that boku security deposit you get back. So – 

8 Spring Cleaning Hacks for Your Student Rental

Hold up, though – who has time for a deep clean when you're juggling classes, work, and a social life? Don't worry, we've got you covered with these 8 quick and easy hacks that will help you get your off-campus apartment sparkling clean in no time:

1. Declutter – ruthlessly.

The first step to any successful spring clean is decluttering. Be honest with yourself: Do you really need that stack of old textbooks from freshman year? That stack of Chinese take-out soup containers you definitely don’t need?

Sort through your belongings and toss anything that's broken, unused or just plain ugly. Donate what you can to a local place like UpCycle or New To You, recycle whatever you can't donate, and enjoy the newfound sustainable spaciousness of your apartment.

Keep that DORA cup, though – you’ll want that in a couple months.

2. Conquer the kitchen one drawer at a time.

The kitchen is often the messiest room in a student apartment, so tackle it one drawer at a time. Throw out expired food and old Chipotle leftovers, organize your spices, and clean up that disgusting ramen-laden stovetop. We see you. 

Don't forget to wipe down the fridge and freezer too! It takes a lot less time than you think – promise. A clean kitchen will not only make you feel better, but it will also save you time when you're trying to whip up a quick meal between classes. Plus, no ants when summer comes around.

3. Deep clean your bathroom and make your roomies help.

The bathroom is another breeding ground for grime and bacteria, not to mention the slimy masses of hair and… other things that make your drains slow and corners grimy. But you can deep clean your bathroom without expensive cleaners or spending hours scrubbing on your hands and knees: 

Simply fill a spray bottle with a mixture of vinegar and water, and use it to wipe down the sink, toilet, and shower. Let the vinegar sit for a few minutes before rinsing it off, and you'll be amazed at how well it cuts through grime. And since your KPR rental has tiled bathrooms, it’s pretty easy to get things squeaky clean.

Have roommates in your off-campus home? This gross task should definitely be shared.

4. Don't forget the forgotten corners.

It's easy to forget about the nooks and crannies of your apartment when you're cleaning – like said grimy bathroom corners. Corners, especially in high-use and high-traffic areas, are often the places where dust and dirt build up the most. 

Take a few minutes to dust the tops of your cabinets, baseboards and ceiling fans. Don't forget to clean under your furniture and behind your appliances, too.

Bonus tip: Those dusty vents, though.

5. Let in the fresh air.

Choose one of Athens’ many unseasonably warm spring days and open literally every window in your OU rental. This will help to circulate the air and remove any stale smells. Plus, it's a great way to enjoy the nice weather (if you can brave the pollen, that is).

6. Bribe friends to help.

Cleaning doesn't have to be a solo activity, and to be honest, you likely have a friend who would do this just for fun. So order some Avalanche, put on some music, invite your friends over, and make a day of it! 

You can turn it into a competition (who can clean the fastest?) or a potluck (everyone brings a dish to share). Having company will make the time fly by, and you'll be amazed at how much you can get done when you're working together.

7. Reward yourself.

Once you've finished cleaning, don't forget to reward yourself! Plus any roommates that pitched in, obviously. Order your fave food on DoorDash, put on the household’s favorite binge-watching series, and pop open a couple beers (if you’re 21+). You deserve it!

8. Keep it clean.

The key to keeping your apartment clean is to prevent it from getting messy in the first place. Make your bed every morning, do the dishes right after you use them, and put things away where they belong. A little bit of effort each day will go a long way in keeping your apartment clean and tidy.

Have roommates? Chore charts are real, and they tend to work even better for adults than they do for toddlers. Probably because you don't need all the stickers and no one has to go to their room for forgetting to take out the trash. Although, we suppose you could approach it that way if you wanted…

With these 8 easy hacks, you can spring clean your uptown Athens apartment in no time and enjoy a fresh, clean space all semester long. Then, when it comes time to move out, you’ll still be reaping the rewards of this deep clean. 

Happy spring (cleaning)!

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