Best Places to Catch the Sunset in Athens, Ohio

Especially in the summer, but, really, any time of year, our corner of Appalachia puts on a light show at dusk every night. The sunsets are serene, colorful and vibrant at the same time. And the scenery surrounding – the forests and the foothills – make the whole situation something to see. 

Even those of us that have lived here forever still stop to appreciate the sunsets now and then. And those of us that have lived here forever also know where the best spots to spend the golden hour are! We’ve made a list of our 4 favorite on-campus sunset-watching spots, as well as our 4 favorite off-campus ones.

Best Places at OU to Watch the Sunset

Since campus is tucked in rolling hills, there are places outside and inside you can get a great view of the sunset at OU:

Radar Hill

Head up to the Ridges hiking trail and take a quick walk to one of the highest points in Athens. Radar hill boasts a 360 view of the hillsides surrounding Athens.

Baker Center 5th Floor

Those massive windows in Baker aren’t for nothing! Set up at one of the sofas on the 5th floor and end your study sesh with the day.

Alden Library 7th Floor

The windows on the West side of the 7th floor offer a good view of the waning sunlight, and you’re already set up in the perfect place to get some paper writing done after!

Bentley’s Mural Wall

Not a lot of people know this, but the back side of Bentley is also a solid spot to watch the sunset. Looking down Richland to the river, a bench outside Bentley is actually a prime option.

Best Places in Athens to Watch the Sunset

The better question might be where in Athens isn’t a good spot to watch the sunset. But still, there are a few places that are going to give you the optimal view of all those purples, pinks and oranges that make dusk so beautiful.

Bong Hill

It’s Bong Hill, come on! Seriously, though, the rock shelf itself is basically made for sitting on, and the hilltop overlooks all of Athens and campus.

Witches Hill

Why does no one know about Witches Hill? It’s right across the street from Bong Hill and offers the same views. Plus, less well-known means less people crowding your view.

Athens City Parking Garage

Never leave Court Street! Well, not horizontally. The roof of the parking garage uptown is a great place to watch the sunset in the context of uptown, with the light playing on all the historic buildings and the brick streets.

The Union Upstairs Patio

Barely leave Court Street! The Union’s patio on the roof is spacious, open, and has awesome views of uptown and – you guessed it – the sunset. Plus, drinks.These aren’t the only places you can truly appreciate another one of Southeast Ohio’s many natural beauties, but they’re some fun places to start. Go ahead – take a break to appreciate that very moment when the day ends and night begins.

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