Questions to Ask Yourself When Moving in with Your SO

Everybody loves being in love, and college relationships tend to be hot and heavy, not to mention, fun! You’ve always got a buddy to eat with, Netflix-and-chill with, party uptown with…. and hopefully study with. And it’s exciting when you’re done with the dorms and ready to move on to off-campus housing for OU students. 

While it’s always a leap of faith to move in with a love, you shouldn’t just close your eyes and dive in. Take several seats and a couple deep breaths. Then, get real with your SO; there are things you need to discuss first.

Where do You Both Want to Live in Athens?

While some (read: virtually all) OU students want to live close to campus and uptown, maybe one of you is quieter than the other, enjoys longer walks and residential neighborhoods. More than likely, though, that won’t be the issue – class schedules will. 

Say your majors are opposite; one of you has most of their classes on West Green, and the other has most on South Green. Do you split the difference and rent an apartment somewhere in the middle?

The good news is, with the right landlord, this isn’t even an issue, because they’ll have dozens of rental properties close to Court Street and campus, which means a short walk to classes – even the far reaches like Walter or Siegfred.

How Much Space do You Need?

Does one of you have a tricked-out gaming setup? Maybe a fish tank, a bunch of plants, or art supplies? You may want to consider choosing an apartment near OU that’s got more space than you think you’ll need. 

When you move in with someone, people often get surprised by how quickly the apartment gets filled up. You don’t want your student rental to be cramped and cluttered; it’ll be like you never left the dorms. 0/10: Do not recommend.

Are we Talking a Studio, 1 Bedroom or 2 Bedroom Apartment?

This is a part of the space conversation, but it’s also where you both have to start to get real. Can you really hack it in a studio apartment? Even if you’re right near Ohio University and the action in uptown Athens, living in a studio can mess up even the strongest of couples.

A 1 bedroom apartment is the way most couples go. After all, you’re sleeping in the same bed; why rent a two-bedroom unit? Well, a couple solid reasons:

  • In a 2 bedroom apartment, you’ve got that extra room to make a dedicated studio, study area, plant room, etc.

  • When your parents visit for OU’s Parent Weekend or any of the other family events like Mom’s Weekend, you’ll have a place for visitors to sleep.

  • Should things start to go poorly with your SO, there’s space to be mad at each other. Sometimes, just the ability to close a door and be totally alone for a minute does wonders for conflict resolution, especially in intimate relationships.

So, while every relationship is different, we’d likely recommend choosing a 2 bedroom apartment near uptown. Even though you can get space at one of the many coffee shops and restaurants, it’s nice to be able to stay at home and still get that quiet space.

How Will You Split the Bills at Your Student Rental?

Perhaps the most important rule of moving in together – any time in life, not just college – is to talk about finances way before you start looking for housing to rent. Both parties need to understand what the other’s capabilities and resources are, and how rent and utilities will be split fairly. 

Do NOT sign a lease for an Athens apartment thinking, Oh, we’ll figure out the money later; it’s no big deal; we guarantee you will, in fact, regret it the moment it becomes a big deal. College relationships should be fun, and fighting about finances is not fun. Or cute. 

Have You Agreed on Who’s Responsible for What Chores?

An easy segway from the finances talk is the housekeeping talk. Does one of you have classes and a part-time job? Maybe one of you has classes and several evening labs. We love a good chore chart; plan out who cooks, does the dishes, cleans the bathroom, vacuums, etc. Although, dishes won’t be an issue if your rent a KPR apartment: they have dishwashers.

And it’s not just in-house stuff – what about laundry and groceries? Well, laundry won’t be an issue either in a KPR rental unit, because you’ve either got one right in your apartment or at easy access in a multi-unit building. 

But you’ve still got groceries and household supplies to talk about. You’re on your own with that one.

Preparing for the Worst: The Unofficial Prenup 

It’s the elephant in the room for any couple that’s moving in together: What if we break up? First of all – this ever-present possibility is yet another reason to consider a 2 bedroom apartment instead of a 1 bedroom. If your break up isn’t nasty, you might be able to live out the lease together in separate bedrooms. Which, let’s be honest, is best case scenario.

More likely than not, if you break up, you’re not gonna want to see your ex-SO’s face every day and night. One of you will have to move out, and then you’ve got a baby divorce to deal with. Make a breakup plan before you sign a lease for an apartment. 

  • Will you sublease a room? Does your lease even allow it?

  • Who deals with the lease penalty? 

  • How will you deal with the last round of utilities before one of you moved out? 

  • Who gets which belongings and which pets? 

Hashing this stuff out is uncomfortable, but this protects both of you in case of the worst.

Don’t Be a Hopeless Romantic When Looking for OU Off-Campus Housing

So you see, while moving in together in college is fun and exciting, you still need to adult. Be realistic. Be clear. Be understanding. Communication and cooperation are key to any successful relationship, romantic or not. If you make a plan together, it will be a breeze to do life together, even in these hectic college years.


Athens Rentals