OU winter break

10 Winter Activities To Do Near Athens, Ohio

Looking for things to do around town in the dead of January? One thing everyone loves about Athens is there’s always something to do. Between local culture, university events and our natural resources, you can always find a reason to get yourself out of the house for some fun and fresh air. 

Whether you’re here for a little winter getaway, or an OU student who simply couldn’t make it home for the holidays (or wanted to avoid that weird uncle at holiday gatherings), everyone can make an adventure that’s perfect for them.

Cold Weather-Friendly Activities in Athens Ohio

Whether you’re an international student, you’re taking classes over break, or you’ve just outgrown going home during the Holidays, it’s easy to stay in your apartment and get cabin fever during Southeast Ohio winters. They’ve got some freezing days and some unnaturally warm days, but the one thing you can always count on in our newly-temperate rainforest is that it will be WET.

Thank you, Climate Change.